Having fun with mark making
Did you know that you can be just as creative with using marking making tools, with water colour paint, as you can be with using acrylic...
Having fun with mark making
Watercolour Pencil Revisited
Pencil over watercolour
Acrylic and pencil crayon... who knew?!
Avoid those sticky situations...
Lapwing - Timelapse
Palette Masterpieces
Pen and Wash... who knew it could be so much fun?
Celebrate the doodle!
Swap your paintbrush for something else...
Are you sitting comfortably?
Top Tip Tuesday
Top Tip Tuesday on a Thursday...
Top Tip Tuesday
Top Tip Tuesday
Thoughts on Still Life
Who or what is the Meditation Cwtch?
What is Walking Football?
The White Hart...where it all began, almost